Muscle Strength And Size With More Efficiency:
– 750 milligram capsule as effective as 5,000 milligrams of powder.
– No loading phase needed.
– Complete absorption.
– Build strength and muscle.
A More Efficient Creatine with No Stomach Discomfort
When creatine monohydrate first hit the fitness scene, athletes were beyond excited about its potential benefits. The promises of increased strength, enhanced endurance, and massive muscle gains were hard to ignore.
It didn’t take long for everyone to realize that the loading phase was cumbersome and used up a good amount of your creatine supply, and many people suffered from stomach discomfort due to the inefficiency of absorption.
Bioengineered Creatine: Modified to Deliver More with Less
The effectiveness of creatine monohydrate has evolved to a new level with the advent of the bioengineered CreaSolv brand utilized in PH-MODIFIED CREATINE.
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